Commitment, quality and sustainability
These are the pillars supporting Argentine beef in each link across the chain.From each production unit, through the slaughtering and processing stages, to shipment, our protocol guarantees a product that honors the livestock tradition without compromising the future of our ecosystems. With a strategy that puts animal welfare and environmental sustainability at the forefront, we prove that we can produce meat in a responsible manner. Our comprehensive monitoring, reporting and verification system confirms the complete and transparent traceability of beef, from farm to fork.
Unity makes strength and, in this joint effort, all players in the value chain are vital allies in meeting the objectives.
MRV System
Transparency, traceability and reliability are very relevant concepts when talking about sustainability in the chain, from agricultural and industrial production to the final consumer. Led by the Rosario Stock Exchange, we are developing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system.

Official supporting documents
- RENSPA: SENASA National Health Registry for Agricultural Producers.
- DT-e: Documentation for transporting cattle on hoof for slaughter.
- Export Health Certificate.
Satellite analysis of the Productive Unit.
Deforestation-free after december 2020.
Deforestation-Free Product Certificate
For each shipment VISEC will issue a Deforestation-Free Product Certificate (DFC) as evidence that the biomass supported by the submitted documents complies with the requirements established in the VISEC Protocol. It shall be issued by Verification Bodies authorized by VISEC as per recognized international standards. The DFC may be used by economic operators as proof of compliance.
The main objective of this System is that the total volume of beef produced in Argentina is recognized as deforestation-free, in compliance with the sustainable development requirements the world is adopting.
In this way, VISEC seeks to reconcile the productive, environmental and social aspects of the beef production chain in Argentina.
All in the same field. Joining forces in VISEC.
